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The Neighborhood of The Birds

The Neighborhood of The Birds
Photo by Angelique Pearl Miranda, May 17, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Finished watching The Sittaford Mystery. Truly enjoyable, with good performances by a still-dashing Timothy Dalton (whom I will always remember as the prince of the woods in Flash Gordon but whom Alan Holst always remembers as James Bond) and Rita Tushingham (who did a cameo as Lara and Yuri's daughter in Dr. Zhivago) wearing three fabulous necklaces, one of which is identical to an antique that I have and actually wear. They were, thankfully, given hefty roles. All of the characters in this episode are interesting anyway, because they actually develop and are not mere set decor.

The story begins with a typically thrilling situation: everyone is caught up in a blizzard in Captain Trevelyan's Sittaford House and in the nearby Three Crowns Hotel in Exhampton while a convict is announced to have escaped from Dartmouth Prison.

Lots of Egyptian jewelry and artifacts. A most interesting, red Ouija board--a huge one, as huge as the round table. Love that red Sheaffer pen on a console--which somehow disappears in a succeeding, reverse shot, a lapse in continuity!

Sittaford House looks too familiar--I am certain it was used in another episode because I recognize all of the paintings on the walls. And, at last, Miss Marple is knitting something substantial: a sweater sleeve.

The episode seems to end, however, with two of the characters apparently taking on a lesbian relationship. Again.

Finally, that mysterious, ending shot is quite atypical of the entire series, it seems to me.

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