Synopsis of The Four from the Internet: "Four young constables--Heartless, Iron Fist, Chaser, and Cold Blood--work together to solve cases and attempt to bring down the corrupt Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty." Replete with martial arts, magical implements, enchanted characters, and sets and props that I love so much. Such as those exquisite potion bottles and lanterns.
When I was in my 20s I used to stroll down Ongpin Street in Lucky Chinatown. A Chinese wine seller kept a display of unusual and antique wine bottles from China in front of his shop. I inquired about them, but they were not for sale. Weeks later the wine seller saw me again and called me aside. He said that he would allow me to buy one of his bottles. I did so, and I wondered why he let me do that. He couldn't have needed money, considering that the bottle wasn't expensive at all. I still have that bottle. It is, as a matter of fact, prominently displayed on my writing desk.
It's been some 40 years, and I know that I will never see that man again. I know for a fact that that wine shop no longer exists.
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