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The Neighborhood of The Birds

The Neighborhood of The Birds
Photo by Angelique Pearl Miranda, May 17, 2015

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"De-cluttering" (Night of Tuesday, August 18, 2015)

Events of the Day:

More work on house furniture and decor rearrangement. Studio looking good.

Four for dinner.

The Dream:

I am still reporting for work at my day job on Roxas Boulevard. Unbeknownst to my co-workers I am also working part-time at the Department of ___________, across the street. I've been neglecting that part-time job for some time now, and I decide to go there and check out my room.

There is a brief episode before I cross the street that involves the Spirit Questors. I have designated a deputy to continue meeting with them while I am away. I discover that my deputy has become close to the Ambassador.

Roxas Boulevard is flooded due to a recent rainstorm. I don't want to get my feet wet but I cross the street anyway.

Inside the Department of __________, my room is full of clutter. Everyone in this office, including the female office manager, is rather cold and indifferent to me. I look around my room and check out the debris of past projects and festival preparations that I'd been working on, among which, for some reason, are huge nuts and bolts. There are little treasures that I decide to keep. Among them is a leather folder pierced like tracery. I find other things that I thought I'd lost. I place these on the single bed. I decide to clean up. The work is tough but rewarding. In the end the room looks minimalist, something that seems to impress the office manager and the male office assistant who comes in and converses with me. The office assistant gives me black trash bags to put all the clutter I swept away in.

I discover a quaint, wooden door that leads to the back of the office building. It has an old padlock, but the door is open. I consider going through it to see what is outside.

I tell myself that I always clutter rooms and create a mess.

My Interpretations:

1) On the most superficial level, this dream is a Freudian residue of the day, since I've been working hard de-cluttering the house.

2) On a deeper level, this dream is a message from my psyche about my living double lives and double values, as reflected in my full time job and my part-time job in the dream. I end up neglecting one or the other. This includes groups such as the Spirit Questors. Other examples of my double living: my being a writer while being a painter, my being a father and a grandfather while being a bachelor, my perhaps ambiguous religion--one of my antique dealers is a Dating Daan follower, another a fundamentalist Muslim, and, while they bring to me whatever I want and ask for, they are completely mystified as to what religion I really practice, and I haven't bothered to enlighten them.

3) On yet another level, this felt like a star ship dream, especially with the unwarranted appearance of the Spirit Questors. I was guided once again into the star ship above our house (in the dream, the Department of ___________). I am being reminded by the captain of the star ship (the Ambassador) that there are certain tasks I still must accomplish and that I have been very negligent. The back door is an exit. It is open, but I do not go outside.

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