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The Neighborhood of The Birds

The Neighborhood of The Birds
Photo by Angelique Pearl Miranda, May 17, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Your e-mail message:

"Good day to you ___..Just want to ask something, a help perharps. We all know being antagonist is part of this world..But sometimes it really hard to bear those people who are not feeling good when they see others having and enjoying a good life...

"I intend to invoke my anscetors to pray for some guidance from them..

"Im seeking for your advice if what else is nesseccary in this kind of situation?

"Thank you Pai...May Godbless you and your family always..(and Im sure youre being always will....) :)"

My reply:

Hello __________!

I hope my answer may not come across to you as disappointing.

Envy from others is best ignored and left alone. 

Your ancestors and spirit guides are certainly already helping you.

What you do not see is that those who envy are already punished by the mere fact that they envy others. You do not see them undergoing the mental and emotional torture that besets them because they do not have what you have.

I believe that envy, as an archetype, is the first sin--not disobedience, for it is envy that leads to disobedience. Consider the archetypal stories of Adam and Eve, and of Abel and Cain. Consider also the fate of Lucifer. While others may say that his sin was pride, pride, after all, like disobedience, is also a result of envy. He envied his own Creator.

Envious people ultimately punish themselves. They never get what they want. Unless they change their attitude, they simply turn into black holes. 

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